JASA holds an annual conference, with a day conference and a weekend conference on alternate years. Often there are international as well as Australian presenters.
Day conference
The day conference is held in Sydney, currently at the Epping Club. Morning tea and lunch are included.
We are presently holding day conferences in even numbered years (e.g. 2022).
Weekend conference
The weekend conference is usually held in Canberra. The full conference package includes lunch, morning and afternoon teas, and the conference dinner – members may also choose one-day attendance. Accommodation is not included in the package, but JASA provides a discount code for those booking to stay at the conference hotel. This is a very special event in the JASA calendar. It allows members to indulge in an entire weekend of Jane Austen learning, laughter and friendship. It provides the opportunity to really get to know other members of the society, to exchange ideas, and to explore the life and works of Jane Austen more fully.
We are presently holding weekend conferences in odd numbered years (e.g. 2023).
Sometimes the conference focuses on a particular novel. In other years, the conference there is a theme that crosses over several of the novels: past themes include Jane Austen and Chawton; Jane Austen and the Theatre; Jane Austen’s Men; and Jane Austen and the Southern Counties of England. More details about previous topics are available on the past conferences page.
JASA has a very high standard for its conference presentations. Speakers include university academics, recognised experts in fields relating to the Regency era, and authors of books about Jane Austen. Some conferences include book signing events.
The one day conference is an intense and rewarding JASA event. So many good speakers with interesting points of view, packed into one day. I enjoy having a set subject for the day and come home with a better understanding and enthusiasm for the writings of Jane Austen.
My favourite JASA function is the Weekend Conference. I really like the relaxed atmosphere at a low-key but functionally good location, where we have time to meet new JASA people and also to listen to top-class presentations and participate in discussions about the theme topic.