Home Events - Jane Austen Society of Australia Inc Jane Austen’s False Friends: Isabella Thorpe, her Precursors and her Successors – Prof. Peter Sabor, McGill University


Saturday 21 October 2023


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Jane Austen’s False Friends: Isabella Thorpe, her Precursors and her Successors – Prof. Peter Sabor, McGill University

Jane Austen had a special gift for portraying reprehensible characters, male and female. Her false friends form a special female subset. This paper will focus on Northanger Abbey’s Isabella Thorpe, the falsest friend of all in Austen’s novels, while also considering some of the predecessors and successors in works ranging from Love and Freindship and Catharine, or The Bower to Mansfield Park.

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Jane Austen Society of Australia Inc